Cutting Ties
Ever worked two jobs? While I don't plan to for much longer, I am now. I think I am too loyal of a person, because I feel bad about quitting either one, even though by quitting and cutting hours, I am enabling myself to go back to school and get a degree. I have already given my second boss notice... I thought he was going to blow up, he was that upset about losing me. Even though I have given him my notice, I am still planning projects like I wasn't leaving.
I used to wonder how or why people are workaholics, but now I know. Everyone becomes one for their own reasons, but I think that they stay that way because they let work define their life. I find that happening to me: I am becoming more and more absorbed into my work, to the point to where I find that I am defined by what I do for a living and not who I am or what I do outside of work.
Two months from now that will all change. January 3rd is the first day of school for me, I will be cutting my jobs back to just one, only working that one for 20 to 25 hours per week, and I will be starting my new job: the life as a student. This is one job that I vow to enjoy and have a good time at.
- The Mechanical Engineer