Saturday, October 29, 2005

Cutting Ties

Ever worked two jobs? While I don't plan to for much longer, I am now. I think I am too loyal of a person, because I feel bad about quitting either one, even though by quitting and cutting hours, I am enabling myself to go back to school and get a degree. I have already given my second boss notice... I thought he was going to blow up, he was that upset about losing me. Even though I have given him my notice, I am still planning projects like I wasn't leaving.

I used to wonder how or why people are workaholics, but now I know. Everyone becomes one for their own reasons, but I think that they stay that way because they let work define their life. I find that happening to me: I am becoming more and more absorbed into my work, to the point to where I find that I am defined by what I do for a living and not who I am or what I do outside of work.

Two months from now that will all change. January 3rd is the first day of school for me, I will be cutting my jobs back to just one, only working that one for 20 to 25 hours per week, and I will be starting my new job: the life as a student. This is one job that I vow to enjoy and have a good time at.

- The Mechanical Engineer

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Life's small things

Ever have a project that you plan out perfectly, and someone just kinks it all up?

That's what happened with my landlord and the spa. He decided to buy himself a spa and have everything installed while he was on vacation... not the best of ideas. The electrician he hired doesn't know his black wires from his green, or so it seems, and thinks he can shove 4 four gauge wires down a 1/2 inch piece of conduit. For those of you not following... it would be kind of like a man giving birth: it's not going to happen. Luckily, my landlord came home from vacation just in time and got all of the problems ironed out. Which means, since I rent a room off him, I get to enjoy the new spa in about two weeks time... if the electrician doesn't do anything else wrong...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

A fresh start

So I decided to take a fresh start to this blogging tool. I didn't like the tact I took with my previous posts, and wiped them out... a bad idea, I know, but they just weren't me.

Seems I have been reaching out into these internet communities more and more... I am sure I could dive into why I am doing it, but I really don't want to. I have more accounts on more sharing websites then I know what to do with. Some I check often, while others I just set up to see what the website was about.

I have met some cool people so far though... and some truly odd people. Ten years ago I even meet my pen pal and best friend of today, right here on a community website... some of you might even remember it before Yahoo swallowed it,

Okay, since my mind keeps wandering this way, it seems I do want to dig into why I am here... it's really two parts. One, I am starting school again and am working two jobs saving the money up, so I don't have time to go out and meet cool new people. Two, I don't want to spend that hard earned money on anything but school, so I am playing around online, which if you use it right, can be free. Really though, I should be studying or applying for a scholarship or something, instead I am here with you!

So that's it. A new start for me and a fresh look at who I am. More about me later, hmm?

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