Sunday, October 23, 2005

Life's small things

Ever have a project that you plan out perfectly, and someone just kinks it all up?

That's what happened with my landlord and the spa. He decided to buy himself a spa and have everything installed while he was on vacation... not the best of ideas. The electrician he hired doesn't know his black wires from his green, or so it seems, and thinks he can shove 4 four gauge wires down a 1/2 inch piece of conduit. For those of you not following... it would be kind of like a man giving birth: it's not going to happen. Luckily, my landlord came home from vacation just in time and got all of the problems ironed out. Which means, since I rent a room off him, I get to enjoy the new spa in about two weeks time... if the electrician doesn't do anything else wrong...


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