Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ADD or what?

About six months ago I started seeing a therapist. I have been entertaining the possibility for a while now that I might have ADD (Attention deficit disorder). I have no problem thinking of a great project (like blogging), getting started on it... but then at some point I just kind of forget about it. I guess in the rush of the next great idea, I never give myself the time to finish my last great idea.
Sometimes it is not even projects, like right now. I am eating lunch... well, eating lunch isn't as easy as making sandwiches and eating time... oh no! I stared at the cupboard until I finally remember what I went to do, got out the bread, thought "i need a knife", turned, saw the dirty dishes and thought "I should empty the dishwasher and reload it", started that, remembered lunch, got mad at myself, went back and finished the sandwiches, put the knife in the sink and emptied and loaded the dishwasher, then ate one sandwich while working on the computer... then remembered I had made two of them, so got back up and grabbed the second one... which right now is sitting next to me half eaten!
I would go back to my doctor and tell him "please give me an ADD medication to try", but I just got a new job which means a new doctor, which means I have to start the process of diagnosis all over again with the new one! ARG!!!!


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