Monday, November 17, 2008

News Clip - A March for Gay Rights

To My Family: (who lives in California and are Mormans)

I wanted to share this news clip with you, it is about a march that R. and I took part in to repeal California Prop 8 and the other amendments that ban same-sex marriage. You can see R.'s choir and choir director at the beginning signing a song that they performed during their last performance. We marched about a mile though downtown, with a police escort, making traffic wait until we were done. It was a very powerful experience and it was for a cause we feel deeply about.

For those who voted No on 8, I thank you very much for your support and for trying to help us work toward equality. For those who voted Yes; I value your choice although I don't fully understand why you made it. Please take a minute to watch this video from the TV show "Countdown" by Keith Olbermann and to reflect: Has gay marriage really affected your life at all in the last six months that it has been legal? (Fixed Link:

Thank you

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