Thursday, March 15, 2007


New Job. New Boyfriend. New City. New State. New Friends. New Career. New Life.

A lot of changes in the world of ME. An old friend and I decided that we were tired of being in and out of bad relationships and wanted to try a bad relationship together... or if we are real lucky, maybe even a good one! Since he moved out of state a year ago for a new promising career, this means I get to move also. Just got hired today for my new job, no pay raise from my old one, but it is a good company with steady hours and lots of promise to move up.

This also means I get to integrate in with all of his friends and hopefully make some of my own. I tend to dislike the online communities, but they are a good place to meet new people, so I might just be diving back into them.

On a sad note, I hate the idea of living so far from family. My parents health isn't what it used to be, and I feel like I need to be close to them. At least they will still be with in driving distance (~5 Hours)... and I know I need to look after my happiness first, right? I will still miss being close to them...

So thats whats new. Just thought I would finally post...


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