Friday, April 07, 2006

Waste Not...

Waste Not…

So I’m at work yesterday, and a strange vehicle pulls into our yard and up to our trash cans. Strange vehicles in the yard is no new event, happens all the time… but I always keep an eye on them to see what they are going to do while there, as we have had tools stolen in the past.

This one was a local city car, and it appeared the guy was throwing away fruit. I had to head in that direction anyway, so I approached him and tried talking to him about it. Once I filtered out all his rudeness, and after talking to my boss about it, this gist of the story was this.

He is a new code compliance officer that works with our police unit and one of his many jobs is to crack down on people selling fruit on street corners illegally. So here he is throwing away great looking oranges, strawberries, peanuts, and more. When I asked about giving them to employees, again, after much rudeness, I got out of him that it’s a bad idea since it’s not known how the fruit was grown, with what pesticides, etc. Since it was confiscated evidence, it had to be destroyed.

This whole encounter just made me sad. Too see all of that fruit wasted, it is a terrible thing. I can see where he was coming from, on the possible health hazards of it and all… but I still have a hard time accepting it.


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