Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My Grandfather!

This is a recording of my father's father, telling a story about how he rode an unbroken horse when he was only 9 years old. The children in the back ground are my 3 older brothers and my older sister. The youngest is one year old during this, and I am 5 years younger then him. So this was taped about 4 years before I was born; actually, it was four years, one month and two days before I was born, but who's counting?


At May 10, 2006 2:08 AM, Blogger nomad said...

that is so cool! did your parents keep the recording? How did you transfer it to digital format? And how are you posting it on blogger?

At May 10, 2006 6:23 AM, Blogger onespring said...

The story was told to my family and my parents recorded it. My mom is really into family history, so she saved it and with all the talking about the 16mm film project, talk of audio came up. That was when she told me about this. I used a housemate's cassette tape deck, got lucky that he has a really nice one that he doesn't use, and plugged it into the mic in on the computer. I used Sony Sound Forge 8.0 to record and edit. For all my multimedia, I upload it to my website and then link to it from there. My videos, I also post a copy on YouTube, and here on blogger I post the YouTube link. I use both the embed and the object tags to play the files, so that I am encompassing more browsers.


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