random desk adjustment
I just decided that my desk needed to be just a little bit higher… so while sitting at my desk, I reach off to my left and open my tool box. Pulling out a 19mm monkey wrench, I climb under my desk and proceed to loosen and readjust the legs on my desk, while it is still fully loaded with stuff. Keep in mind, my desk is fully custom designed and built as one of my many weekend projects. It is made to 2 inch steel tubing with expanded metal surfaces. It weighs around 100 lbs, so supporting the weight and lifting it that “little bit” is no easy task.
It’s much better now: a tall guy like me needs the extra leg room. Like I have said before, I am not your typical gay.
Here it is a few months back.... just take off all the books, the top shelf, and about half the clutter, and you have my desk as it is now.

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