Monday, November 07, 2005

Hellish Drive Home

So I just experienced one of the worst drives home of my life. As if I don’t have enough stress already. I was cruising along with traffic on the freeway at a whopping 5 to 10 miles an hour when a semi truck started tailgating me. While he could plainly see I had no where to go, with cars in front and on each side, after about 15 minutes of tail gating he proceeded to flash his brights at me. If that didn’t make me nervous enough, after he saw that I wasn’t getting out of his way he followed behind me with his brights on though about an hour of hellish traffic. Once traffic did clear and he finally went around, I managed to get his operator number and trailer license plate number. I even went so far as to call it in to the authorities, but I doubt they will be able to do anything.

I consider myself a safe driver, but it takes all the energy I can muster to go though that hell everyday. I swear, once I am done with school, I will never live far from work, no matter how much they pay me.

Now I must retreat to the spa in order to relax enough to sleep before trying the gauntlet again tomorrow.


At November 08, 2005 12:45 AM, Blogger nomad said...

poor driver was probably on speed trying to make a quota big time. *hugs*


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